Welcome! Thank you for registering as a member. Remember to only post in the relevant categories.
CCFC Membership
Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations.
2CCFC History and Set Up
Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations.
2Committees & Sub Committees
Welcome! Have a look around and contribute to CCFC meetings.
Have photos to share from your travels around the Cairngorms - share them here and be featured on the #FarmPhotoFriday!
Interested in sheep? Breeding best practices? Clipping and Dipping? Start a conversation here.
All things cows. Start a conversation now.
Wondering about crop rotation? How to use environmentally safe pesticides? Start a conversation now.
How can we preserve the local area? Sustainability, nature and all things conservation - get involved in the chat.
6General Livestock
Want to talk about livestock? Horses, goats, pigs - the world is your oyster!
Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations.
1Blog Suggestions
Have an idea or want to submit to the blog? Let us know!
1Media Team
Weekly social updates & monthly blog planning!
- CCFC History and Set UpNotes of informal meetings held before CCFC set-up (largely fact-finding meetings to steer our direction) and official draft/approved meetings held since incorporation (currently being finalised). Presentation from 4th Jan, our initial meeting is also available on request (too large to post here). Awaiting amended CNP Agricultural Advisory Group minutes of 5th March).